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Our Services

Software Development

We provide you with a full range of software development services from initial definition of requirements through design, development and testing to the point of deployment.

Managed Software Hosting

Today’s software applications are web applications. Once they have been developed, they need to be hosted on the web and maintained. We provide and manage hosting on third-party servers. We respond promptly to technical problems with the servers. We maintain and enhance the software applications we host. And we maintain database back-ups on a regular schedule. In short, we become your IT department in the cloud.

Managed Video Hosting

Sure you can have your videos hosted for free on YouTube. But your users then have to put up with the distractions of ads and thumbnails for other videos. And suppose you want to include a ‘call to action’ or initiate some other action from your video? Our managed hosting of videos on third-party servers presents your videos distraction free, and we can add ‘calls to action’ and other responsive elements to meet your needs.

Database Design and Hosting

Database designs tend to be unique to a given organization. Generic databases, if there were such a thing, cannot correspond to the particular structures and needs of particular organizations. We can design databases to fit your needs and host them on line, with two-way encryption to secure your data.

Consultancy Services

Advice on software can help you find the best solutions at the least cost overall. We can help you define your requirements and find the right applications from the many available. We can also help you configure software your software, whether it is one of our generic applications, a third-party application or freeware.