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LMS User’s Guide

Adjutans Learning Management System User's Guide

The Luminous Learning Management System has been designed as a tool to provide quality service helping job seekers in Ontario to improve their job search skills and fulfill their employment goals. It offers free access to training resources on line. It was created to permit Employment Ontario partner employment services offices to enhance and extend their job-search skills training by offering video training on line and on demand. The software was developed by the Software Peer Group of ITO2.0, itself an employment services branch of the Youth Services Bureau of Ottawa, and is being made available as free software for the benefit of the Ontario job seekers.

A. Client Functions

A client who previously registered with an Employment Ontario partner office must utilize his or her email address as user name, and a temporary password received from the office via email. The temporary password may be changed after logging in initially to one of the user’s choosing in the My Account functions (see below). The Client may be required to sign an agreement with the Employment Ontario partner office that he/she personally will view assigned training materials.

Users can select their desired language between English and French on the Home Page screen.

Users must log in by:
    Entering their Email address
    Entering their Password
    Select Log In to advance to the next screen and begin using the application

Select Forgot Password.
Enter Email address.
Select Reset. A randomly generated new password will be sent to the email address. This random password can be replaced by user-friendly password by using the My Account function

After login, users will be directed to the Client Overview page which displays a calendar, assignments that have not been completed, current notifications and unread messages from the client’s current consultant

The calendar can be viewed by day, week and month. The titles and start times of notifications from the office are displayed on the calendar. Users can click on a day with notifications to read the whole notification. Non-calendar notifications with titles, start and end times are displayed under the “Office Notifications” below that calendar. Incomplete Assignments are listed at the top of the right-hand pane of the screen. The assignment names, due dates and the percentage completed are listed under “Incomplete Assignments“. Click “+” to display the assignment video segments. Click a video segment to watch it. Click “-” to compress the assignment listings. Unread messages from consultants are listed under the “Messages From Your Consultant” below the Incomplete Assignments section. To read a message, click on the “Subject” to view the whole message. All messages, unread and read, may also be viewed in the “Messages -> View” menu item

Select Assignments on the dashboard.

Assignments are videos, possibly with attached quizzes, that help job seekers improve their job search skills and fulfill their employment goals. Assignment names, due dates and the percentage of completion are listed under “Assignments“. Assignments are usually divided into a number of segments 10-30 minutes in length, all of which must be completed to complete the entire assignment.
Select “+” next to an assignment name to display assignment segments.
Select “+” next to an assignment segment to display logins and percent completed.
Click “-” to re-compress the assignment items.
There is a confirmation dialogue or quiz at the end of each assignment segment for the user to confirm the completion of each segment or, in the case of a quiz, to test users’ retention of the content of the video segment. Clients must confirm that they have viewed the segment or correctly answer quiz questions on content to complete the segment.

Incomplete Assignments are also listed on the Overview page at the top of the right-hand pane.

Select Other Resources on the dashboard. The other resources include reference materials in the form of text, pdf or image files of general interest to job seekers that have been posted by the office

View a message

Select Messaging->View on the dashboard to view all messages.

Messages include both messages from consultants to clients and messages from a client to his/her consultant. If a client is assigned to a temporary consultant in the absence of his/her normal consultant, messages from the temporary consultant will be also displayed.

Create/send a message

Select Messaging->Create/send on the dashboard to enter the Create/Send Message page.

“Consultant”: Displays the consultant to whom you are currently assigned.
“Subject”: Enter the subject of a message. The maximum length of a subject is 50 characters.
“Message”: Enter a message. The maximum length of a message is 2000 characters.

Select Send to send the message.

Unread messages are also listed on Overview page under the “Messages From Your Consultant“.
Click the subject of a message to read the whole message.

“Email address”: Enter your email address if this has changed.
“Current password”: Users must enter the current password to make any change.
“New password”: Enter user’s new password. The password must have at least 8 characters.
“Confirm new password”: The password entered in this field must match the password entered in the “New password” field.

Select Update to submit the new password and/or email address.

Select Logout on the dashboard to log out.

B. Consultant Functions

New consultant accounts are created by office administrators. A new consultant will receive a randomly generated password by email. Random passwords can be given a more user-friendly form by using the Account function.

Users can select their desired language between English and French on the Home Page screen.

Users must log in by:
    Entering their Email address
    Entering their Password. Consultants may also be required to answer a security question that gives a greater degree of security to their accounts.
    Select Log In to advance to the next screen and begin using the application.

Select Forgot Password.
Enter Email address.
Select Reset. A randomly generated new password will be sent to the email address. The random password can be replaced by user-friendly password by using the My Account function.

After login, users will be directed to the Consultant Overview page which displays a calendar, notifications and unread messages from clients.

The calendar can be viewed by day, week and month. The titles and start times of notifications from office are displayed on the calendar. Users can click on a day with notifications to read the whole message. Non-calendar notifications with titles, start and end times are displayed under the “Office Notifications“. Unread messages from clients are listed under the “Messages From Your Clients“. To read a message, click on the “Subject” to view the whole message.

Users can enter the client page by clicking Clients on the dashboard.

Client names are listed under “Clients“. Assignment names, due dates and the percentage of completion are listed under a client’s name.

Select “+” next to client name to display assignments given to the client.
Select “+” next to an assignment name to display assignment segments.
Select “+” next to an assignment segment to display usage records.
Click ‘-‘ to re-compress assignment segments.

Click “client name” to add or delete assignments for the client.
A list of video courses is displayed that includes both “assisted service” video courses to be used as assignments and other video courses that may be recommended to clients for viewing but are not credited as “assisted services”. Click the checkbox next to a video course to select or deselect it for this client.

Select Update to save the selection.

Select Training Videos on the dashboard.

Training videos are video courses that may help job seekers to improve their job search skills and fulfill their employment goals. They include both assisted service videos used as “assignments” and other videos that may be recommended to clients for viewing. Select “+” next to the training material to display training material segments. To view training videos as clients will see them, click a segment. Click “+” to re-compress training material segments.

Select Other Resources on the dashboard. Other resources include reference materials in the form of text, pdf or image files that are of general interest to job seekers which have been posted by the office.

View a message

Select Messaging->View on the dashboard to be directed to the message view page.

Click the arrow next to a client’s name to display all messages received from or sent to that client. If the client has exchanged messages with another consultant, these also will be displayed. Click anywhere in the row listing a message to read the whole message.

Create/send a message

Select Messaging->Create/send on the dashboard to enter the Create/Send Message page.

“Select Client”: Choose a client to receive the message from the drop-down box. “Subject”: Enter the subject of a message. The maximum length of a subject is 50 characters.
“Message”: Enter a message. The maximum length of a message is 2000 characters.

Select Send to send the message.

Unread messages are also listed on Overview page under the “Messages From Your Clients“. Click the message to read.

Select Account on the dashboard.

“Email address”: Enter user’s email address.
“Current password”: Enter user’s current password.
“New password”: Enter user’s new password. The password must be at least 8 characters.
“Confirm new password”: The password entered in this field must match the password entered in the “New password” field.
“Security Question”: You may create a security question to enhance the security of access to your pages. Enter a security question here.
“Security Answer”: Enter a answer to your security question.

Select Update to submit the new password, email address and/or new security question/answer.

Select Logout on the dashboard to log out.