We all have a responsibility for helping restrain the spread of the Covid-19 virus. Attendance at Software Peer Group meetings appears to be the sort of optional activity involving social contact that should be minimized, if not cancelled altogether. We suggest, therefore, that Peer Group members coordinate the work they do at home even more than usual and coordinate by means of email or Slack. Gene plans to be in place at ITO2.0 during our normal meeting times on Mondays and Wednesdays to provide in-person help in installing the development environment and so forth, but we plan for the time being to coordinate overall progress on the project by means of email. All current members participating in email exchanges will be considered to be active participants for resume purposes, despite our minimizing of meetings. We look forward to resuming our normal meetings when concern over contagion has diminished.
If you would like to continue receiving YSB/:ITO 2.0 Employment Services, please check their website for service schedule announcements
Thanks and regards,
Adjutans Technologies,
The Peer Group Project Management Team,