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Website development and hosting

Today’s web content management systems (CMSs) make it easy to create quality web sites — provided you can invest a few days in learning how to use them and even more days in learning how best to design a website. Chances are, however, that you do not have an abundance of days to spend in this way! Let us setup your website while you concentrate on more important stuff.

Expert professionals at Adjutans Technologies will consult with you and then utilize open source solutions to create a website that reflects who you are, promotes your services and products and includes useful tools to help keep you organized.

For nonprofit organizations, social enterprises and selected startups, we can offer free website development.  For nonprofits we also offer free hosting on sponsored sites.

Contact us to discuss the possibilities.

Sample Websites


Content Management,



Not for Profit


Responsive Design



Content Management,



Startup Publishing Business


Responsive Design


  • Our business analysts will interview you to define your requirements and preferences.
  • Our developers will prepare mock-ups and consult with you on look and feel.
  • Once we have your approval, we will build the website, including all internal pages and links.
  • On delivery, we will give you the basic instructions you will need to alter the content of the website as circumstances change.
  • If you choose to let us host the site, we will help you obtain a domain name and publish your new website on our servers.
  • Websites custom-designed to match your needs and preferences.
  • Websites that include content management systems that make it easy for you to change content.
  • Website development at no cost for nonprofit organizations, social enterprises and selected startups.
  • Web hosting on sponsored sites at no cost for nonprofit organizations.
  • Increase the reach and effectiveness of your nonprofit organization.
  • Help our volunteers build useful recent Canadian work experience.